The world of bedliners has seen progress since the early times when truck owners used basic drop in liners for safeguarding their vehicle...
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Which Truck Bed Liner is best? Let's find out!
If you're like me, you're always trying to save a little time and money and make the things that you have last as long as possible now spray in bedliner, while the name implies it's used in the pickup truck bed can be used for that. But many other purposes such as protecting your lawn furniture, protecting your metal surfaces from rust and from abrasion and from chemicals. So let's go and get testing underway and see which one of these products is the best we're test, abilities, bedliner materials to withstand extremely cold environments. We'Re also going to see if these products can resist chemicals rosco determine how scratch resistant these products are rosco determine the ability of these products to withstand impact anytime you're working around power tools. I highly recommend using the appropriate personal protective equipment to include breathing eyes gloves, as well as hearing to test the ability, these products to withstand the cold. I'M going to sand this metal surface down, cut it into strips, apply the products put it in a freezer and then test their ability to withstand the cold. [ Music. ] we've go ahead and sand this pickup truck bed using this wire brush on this drill and then we'll use acetone to clean it. So, no matter which bread on your product you use. The most important step is going to be surface prep. If you see shiny paint, that means the paint has not been scuffed up or sanded enough if it looks flat and dull - and you can see abrasive marks odds, are it's probably good enough now that we've sanded the bed? The next thing I need to do is to clean this bed with acetone or lacquer thinner and I'm going to use acetone [ Music ], I'm going to plays product to several washers as well as this piece of metal and an eight inch strip of the pickup Truck bed dupli-color truck bed coating is both impact resistant and abrasion resistant, [, Music, ], BeeZee, liner seals out, moisture and corrosion abrasive resistant and a great anti skid coating herculiner is a tough textured polyurethane formula that is, chip fade and impact resistant plastic coat. Truck bedliner provides a durable protection and a non-skid finish. Rust-Oleum truck bed coating is durable and abrasion resistant. It'S been right at 48 hours since I sprayed on the bedliner material. So what I'm gon na do now is remove the paper we'll take a closer look at each one of these products and then we'll give it 24 more hours to fully cure [, Music ]. So real, like dupli-color a lot I would say as far as appearance. That'S either number one or number two as far as my favorite, it's not too shiny and it seems to have a nice finish as far as the texture. I don't like easy liner as much as I do dupli-color to me easy liner. Just as a look is professional, the material itself goes on very flat and it's sort of clumps in some areas compared to dupli-color, which has a much nicer looking finish so herculiner went on fairly evenly. It'S a lot higher gloss finish than dupli-color or easy liner me. Personally, I don't really like the high gloss finish. Look. It just leaves a lot of opportunity to fade. Also, this doesn't have as much texture isdupli-color plastic coat. Very much like dupli-color seems to have a great mix between texture and the amount of gloss that provides it's a really nice looking product. To me, this looks very professional, so I really don't like rust-oleum is bed liner material as well. Some of the other products, because it just does not go on like a bed. Liner material looks more like a spray paint to me. It'S very high gloss, and also the level of gloss varies from section to section within where I've sprayed each of these products requires a different amount of time to fully cure. We'Ve allowed these products to cure for 90 hours, that's far more than the 72 hours for the product, it required the most amount of time. So now I'm going tobegin testing at room temperature, which is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The first test, we're going to do is determine how scratch-resistant these products are. So we're going to be using this garden tool. [, Music, ], there's quite a bit of a scratch with the dupli-color. It'S not rubbing off. It has actually dug into the material itself, while there's a visible scratch with easy liner. It did not cut as deep as it did with dupli-color. It'S very clear that herculiner also has a bit of a scratch. It doesn't seem to be as bad as dupli-color about the same as easy liner, I'm not seeing a scratch with plastic coat. Quite surprisingly, because all the other products that we've looked at thus far have a scratch. Risto Ian did pretty good in this test. There'S a very small scratch, but not as good as plastic coat we'd be using a total of 15 pounds, plus the weight of the implement [ Music ]. Now that's a lot of damage. It actually cut all the way through the bedliner material, except for in a couple of small spots. Easy laner did not seem to hold up any better than dupli-color there's actually wider areas of tear off compared to dupli-color. Regarding herculiner get cut through about half of the distance between the two ends, so it did cut all the way down to the metal. However, it seems to have done better than dupli-color and ez. Liner plastic coat sustained a very deep scratch as well cutting all the way through it. Almost all the way across Christo Liam actually did the best. When it comes to this amount of weight, and only one area, did it cut all the way through the rest of the way, there's a deep scratch, but it held up in the next test, we'll see how impact resistant these products are we're gon na be using A rod that weighs one pound and five ounces and the way of this work is I'll feed this rod through this pipe and down to the black line, and then once I release the rod, it's going to drop about 25 inches and then come an impact with The pickup truck bed - [ Music, ], [, Music ]. So if dupli-color it looks like the rod penetrated most of the material in one area, it seems to be okay and the other two. It did quite a bit of damage. Ez liner doesn't seem to be nearly as hard as dupli-color. The rod fully penetrated all three impact points. Hurghaligner seems to have done better than both ez liner, as well asdupli-color in its ability withstand an impact. There still seems to be some material left behind plastic code did by far the best up to this point regarding its ability withstand an impact, there's very little damage done to the plastic coat with regard to its ability to stick. Obviously, there's a big dent in the metal, but there still seems to be plenty of plastic hook. Left rust-oleum, just like plastic coat, did a very good job. The impact was obviously significant with a lot of debt. However, there's still some rust Olien the left on the material that was impacted up next, I'm gon na soak each one of these washers in four different chemicals, gasoline, acetone, salt, water and diesel, and we're going to see how they hold up [ Music ]. As you might expect, there's no visible damage to any of these products with just plain saltwater. This is dupli-color. We'Re gon na go ahead and pull the washer out of the gasoline and take a closer look at it. Unfortunately, when I picked up the washer, the entire coating of dupli-color came off. As you can see, easy liner seems to have held up quite nicely in gasoline herculiner has caused the gas to become discolored. So I'm going to pull it out now and see how it looks now, that's a lot of damage if you'll just look at it all this is just gon na peel right off gasoline has destroyed herculiner. My plastic coat is on the washer. It'S very soft and it is basically dissolved it. So it's not going to withstand gasoline okay, the rest om is bubbling up. It looks like the gasoline has caused damage to it as well. Okay, we'll see how well dupli-color withstood diesel [ Music ]. There'S no need to even take this washer out. Dupli-Color has been totally dissolved by the acetone, as you can see, it's bubbled up and it is coming right off. It'S approximately 20 below zero in this freezer and I've had the metal pieces in the freezer for 24 hours. So at this point, we're going to do is impact test each of the products to see how they hold up [ Music, ], [ Applause, ], we're going to test the cold weather ability these bit liner materials using this implement with five pounds. On top of it. [, Music, ], [, Music, ] dupa cutler, actuallydid pretty good in the cold weather testing. While there is quite a bit of a scratch, it did not fully penetrate the material and regarding the impact area, it did have some material loss, but not as bad as some of the other products. Ez liner actually did better than dupli-color the amount of scratching the depth is not nearly as much as well as the impact area did not show any sort of material loss. Herculiner did not do as well asdupli-color or ez liner in the cold weather testing. The damage that occurred is down to the metal as well as a lot more material loss with the impact area. Plastic coat is clearly not very good at cold weather, unfortunately, dupli-color ez, liner and herculinerdid better in cold weather testing in plastic coat. As you can see, there's a lot of material lost where the impact occurred, as well as where the scratching occurred. So it comes to cold weather performance. Rust-Oleum clearly came in last. If you look at the amount of material loss, there is a tremendous amount of damage, so that was approximately hundred forty-three degrees. Fahrenheit, it's been sitting out in the Sun. This has had four days to cure, so what I'm gon na do now is just go down through each one of these products with a metal washer and see how resistant they are to scratching and peeling. So if you use this product, the heat you're, definitely half peeling. If you put something on it, that's abrasive or sharp. As you can see, easy liner just does not do well in the heat this stuff peels up very easily. As you can see, herculiner is extremely soft in the heat [ Music ] plastic coat is holding it very well in the heat, while it does scratch. It'S also not peeling, it's actually holding up the best we've tested yet [, Music ]. So I'd make this product the same as herculiner. It peels very easily [ Music ]. So if you're looking for a spray-on bedliner, which products should you buy? Well, that really depends on where you live and the type of weather you experience, as we saw deep, blue color and easy liners seem to do best in cold climates, while rust-oleum as well as plastic coat, do best in warm climates. My personal favorite is plastic coat. It seemed to do the best overall I live in the Midwest, where we get a lot of really cold weather and a lot of really hot weather, and that would be my personal pick. But I'd like to know your opinion, which one of these products have you used in, which were these products, do you like the best anyway, I always look forward to your video ideas and your comments. I learn a lot from them and also helps them come up with future video ideas. So thanks so much for watching the video. I look forward to reading your comments. Please take care and I look forward to seeing you next time.
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