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Can The Toyota Tundra TRD Off-Road Make It Up a Snowy Cliffhanger?
[, Music, ], hey Nathan, you know what we've never done, what go up cliffhanger in the snow and there's a really good reason for that yeah. What is that dude? It'S snow on top of sharp rocks and everything else, it's impossible yeah. But you know our fans out, there are demanding a Tundra review and we just got the truck and there's a little bit of snow. Let'S try it that's a really bad idea. I say we do it. What do you guys say? Let'S go come on all right. Nathan, first time ever yep: this is the TRD 4x4 off-road tundra, which means it's got all sorts of underbody protection, the engines protected the fuel tanks protected. It'S got special Bilstein shocks and look at this it's got a very cool TRD. 4X4 off-road sticker yeah. That'S not gon na help us we'll look cool Nathan, [, Music ]. You know I've been looking at this tire for a while, because it's actually pretty decent in the snow and ice, but it's not gon na. Do a damn bit of good going up that hill. These are Michelin, 8tx, ATS, they're, muttons snows, that is an 18-inch wheel. It'S good-looking, not gon na help. Anything you've been all grumpy about this thing in the snow worried about going up cliff hanger, it does have a true for low range that'll help. Does it have a locking rear diff? No, what is a half? It'S got a limited slip, yeah, no good, not gon na help. You know Nathan may be right about this, because there's no way to turn around going up the cliff hanger and it's not about going up, but it's really about going down and when you have no traction, you can slide into a tree roll the truck. I'M a little worried myself, don't tell me [ Music ], you know I wouldn't even do this Hill in this type of snow on some of the higher-end versions of trucks. I, like the Power Wagon yeah, I'm gon na, take this hole right now in the Power Wagon pygar, don't care Nathan, they just care with snow, as Mel Brooks once said, it's all about merchandising and that's exactly what we're doing look. We have to pay the rent and check it out. I have my own catchphrase, who knew we have other ones too. We have one for Big Green. We have one for dodges, Ella or Crabb Zilla, and we have the regular TfL shirts click below to go to the store and buy one of these babies that actually it's the one problem that truck is truncheon yeah. That'S what the problem with the snow-covered area is. It'S not to me a lot of traction so far so good, but this is really the hard part. This is just a dirt road and even if you were snow tires, it still wouldn't be enough. So Nathan, I have figured out two things that this tundra does have. Okay, first of all, it's got the TRD exhaust, which sounds badass. It sounds great and best of all it's got a 38 gallon fuel tank. So when we do get stuck, we can keep the engine running and wait for the Wolves to go away before we get rescued. Nowe'll have to wait till spring nobody's coming up here after us, 38 gallons and is a lot. People actually go like rock crawling and yeah. They do yeah yeah, but usually they're in vehicles that are well prepared for a lot of Jeeps, usually chains or really beefy tires. I can really eat into it. I have to admit Nathan, the most scary moment of my entire life was when I took a Tundra. A few years ago I went down like skillet road, which is one of the steepest roads in Colorado, yeah. So far from you yeah it's not far from here and I lost traction and I started going sideways. You mean kind of like what we're starting to do right now lose a little bit of that traction. Not so much that you're gon na be able to go a little bit further down yeah Roman, you know how hard it's gon na be to get down this hill if we go up to truth or dare and we're almost there actually, but I strongly recommend, I Think we're gon na go up the trail. You know this is not the trucks fault Nathan. This is its entire spotless, the driver's fault. If it's all your fault, look, if we go up that, there's a realistic chance that we'll have to come down that backwards rapidly rapidly yeah. Thank you for agreeing with me finally yeah from you this way dude. I really wanted to do this. Well, we'll get the Toyota back Toyota if you're listening. We need another, a newer one of these, so I could take it up the road when it's dry, you screen here, but the problem is sliding well, I'm still sweating Nathan, but there's still one thing we don't know, you know that is Andrei zodiac. No, no. How fast is from zero to 60 yeah? Well, I guess hunter will be able to test that. Won'T me yeah. Let'S give him the keys, let's take it down to our track and let's just see how bad boy, this bad boy really is. [ Music ]underhood is the oldie but a goodie, the 5.7 liter v8, that's rated at 381 horsepower and 401 pound-feet of torque [ Music ]. This engines been in this truck for several years and it's made it to 6-speed automatic transmission, but this particular truck has a couple of tricks as a TRD air intake system and the dual TRD exhaust system, and I'm hoping it's gon na, give it a little bit Better oomph off the line and a good 0 to 69. As always, I am at our test track. I am my motor sports. You can use the link below to check them out. You can rent go-karts here, you can bring your own vehicle or you can go on their motocross track, really cool. So I have a 430 rear-end ratio, because this truck is a filltakács and I'm hoping for a relatively quick time. Let'S see how it does. Okay, I'm gon na turn off traction control. Eight point: three: seven: this is a nice little touch here. It'S a GoPro mount and you're a branded which can mount on your track inside the bed, really handy. Okay, one more try trying to go eight seconds flat, a little bit of wheelspin 8.15. That'S not a bad result for a zero to 62 mile above sea level, but I really wonder how Roman and Nathan are doing in the snowy mountains. It'S sliding realize how big of a truck this is. It was going backwards in the snow. It'S no good all right, we'll think about sliding. In 200 years or years ago, yeah people could have hit that really big rock that's right there. We go all right. Alright, that wasn't that one of my better ideas - you know Nathan, it's few little old yeah. This is next to the RAM. This is the oldest truck out there. Now yeah in its class, the body design hasn't really changed, has been a little bit of refresh here. In there, but really not a whole lot going on and, frankly speaking, everybody else is now way ahead. Yeah and you know, the rumor is of course did Ram its gon na have a new one. At this year's Detroit, Auto Show we've seen the Silverados running around with prototype climbing on so that, like jester's, new Silverado coming Ford's got the well, they also yeah. They had the diesel handling. Of course, they've got the little Ranger f150 and potentially a Ranger coming so yeah, it's getting a little long on the to that. I hope to tell it updates it now. The way the tender works, of course is. I remember when this came out. It didn't have a trailer controller, a trailer brake controller, it didn't have a large fuel tank and now it's got one of the largest in the biz, and so they kind of slowly incrementally improve the truck yeah. That'S right! There'S lot to like about this Tundra Nathan. I mean it's just an honest truck. It'S. What you pay for is what you get. You get big knobs you get a big steering wheel, you get just. What is the throaty is 5.7 leaders in the business? It'S roomy. You know the controls are big. So if you need to grab them with gloves, you can lots of cupholders. You know it's kicks off all the things that a truck should be. This has reliability yep, but it's also a thirsty truck. The other thing is, you know I like the fact that it's built in America yeah but Texas, yeah, it's a Texas truck. A lot of tila trucks are not built in America. They'Re built in Mexico. Well, wasn't particularly, but there is a sense of like quality about this truck and feels like this is gon na, be around 20 30 years from now right yeah, I think one of my favorite parts, the truck and it always has been - is the 5.7 liter engine Yeah, I love it. I think it's fantastic well yeah. They managed to do what they wanted. They want like a Tonka truck. If you remember their their concept in this truck was really out there folks. This is what we call a misadventure. This is this. We really did want to take it off-road and have some fun with it, but there's just too much snow. We can't yeah, you know, I think we're gon na be done with cliffhanger until the spring yeah, unfortunately, but hey at least we got a chance to put that big thing into the snow, have some fun with it, and it was a lot of fun on the Snow by the way, and frankly speaking, got to do one thing: I've always wanted to do with that truck. Listen to that v8. It'S as always, this is rhomin and make them saying, thanks for watching, can check out TfL truck comm for more news views and real world reviews.
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